Majority One!
Majority One- Rainbow Rockin' Chair 1969-71
An excellent compilation of material by excellent pop-psych outfit Majority One, their work may have been really after the Psych rush, but if you say any of these songs sounds later than '68, I'll call you a liar! haha. Never made it in native England although they did make a fair name for themselves abroad and infact recorded all of these songs in Paris, France. Some really excellent music, fairly simple in parts, quite rocking at times too, from the fast paced "Get Back Home" to the mellow acid soaked "Rainbow Rocking Chair". Also has one of the best and most original covers of a Beatles' song I think I've heard "A Hard Days Night". The incredibly English "A Cigarette, A Cup Of Tea" makes you feel right at the heart of the whymsical UK psych scene!
I wouldn't know about this band if it wasn't for and I wouldn't own the album if I didn't win the competition on the site last year! So many thanks to Mick at MS for that (do check the site if you haven't already, it's excellent)!
This really is a great album, at time rough vocal effects make the compilation seem fairly ragged around the edges, but it isn't and you dont have to look hard on each track for great music.
So go on... you know you want to!
1. Get Back Home
2. A Hard Days Night
3. Friday Man
4. A Cigarette, A Cup Of Tea
5. Because I Love
6. Charlotte Rose
7. Rainbow Rocking Chair
8. Depths Of My Mind
9. Glass Image
10. Don't Mind The Rain
11. Letter From The Queen
12. I See Her Everywhere
13. Looks Like Rain
14. Love Came Today
15. Feedback
16. No Matter What
17. Freedom
18. Birds Must Learn To Fly
I recommend: A Hard Days Night, Charlotte Rose, Rainbow Rocking Chair, Don't Mind The Rain, Letter From The Queen and Looks Like Rain.
hello sunshine nice posts today!it seems that you have a lot of good records!it s nice to let us discover all this sweet music. Bye and thanks
Hey Pat, pleasure as always! I'm glad you like it, I don't know if I can post anything tomorrow, so I may do one more this evening, not too sure though!
Stop by soon!
Thanks!!! Great posts/sharing. That's the spirit!
hi sunshine!
still very sad after knowing about Arthur Lee's passing...
I'm trying to get by listening to this marvellous compilation of Majority One's works. "Rainbow Rocking Chair" always was one of my favourite tunes of all time. I still get the chills when listening to it.
Keep up the excellent work!
Greetings from Brazil!
I know it really is a big loss, losing Arthur Lee. But yes, I'm glad you like it! I love Majority One, and Rainbow Rocking Chair its very possably my favourite song by them, it's incredible, feel like you're floating in space!
Speak to you soon!
Hello, Good People....
What a BIG surprise...I just dropped into this blog to take my time and I've been found so many and high class psych albums I need scream a great THANK YOU SUNSHINE!
The Majority One's Rainbow Rocking Chair was my love theme back in '70, when I was able to know the very secrets of!!!
I can't number how many times I danced (with a Special Girl at a time) listen to the other Majority's hit, BECAUSE I LOVE.....thanx again....
My old and constant friend George Harrison said to someone years ago something like that: We (THE BEATLES)gave to the people EMOTION...and EMOTION is something money can't buy....
You're THE ONE, you're just in this mood, my new friend.....
So Keep on Rockin', Sunshine(In a Rainbow Rocking Chair if you PLEASE).
Good Vibrations...
Carlos Harrison - SP Brazil
thanks a billion times for this one
great album!
I´m very interested on getting the lyrics of that beautifull song "Rainbow Rocking Chair". Would you help me? Thanks in advance.May e-mail adress is
Carlos R. do Nascimento-Santos-BR
Great site and awesome album, but that might be because my dad is one of them. Cool happy listening all. Just seeing what i can find on dad. Robert Long
Wow, thats amazing! If you see this message, pass on just how amazing this album is, and how it's been really well recieved by everyone who'se heard it!
Also I know Mick from would love to have a chat with him (if he hasn't already!)
Thanks for passing by!
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Tank You
I bought the 45 in france at a local flea market as a child....(in the early 70's) Friday man/glass image - What a lucky pick -Was such in awe of those 2 songs - But unable to find anything for years on the web and i had lost the 45 goin thru customs to Canada(1977)... And now I finally find some interesting info. I think this band deserved to be more known! Still hoping to be able to figure how to hrear those 2 songs thru the web - it has been over 30 years!
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